Cataloghi A Te la Palla 2024 Harmonica Dissonantia 2023 Christian MegertRotation Net Jumps 1921-2021 The haptyc eye – II The haptyc eye – I Nanda VigoMirrors Alberto BiasiOpere dal 1959 al 2013 Christian MegertAttraverso lo specchio Christian MegertAttraverso la scultura Albert PinyaPinto, luego existo. Capitulo 13 Nanda VigoChristian MegertZero in the mirror Tania PistoneCollettiva di Tania Pistone The Bounty KillartJackpot Nanda VigoChristian MegertZero in the mirror Nanda VigoLight Project Nanda VigoGlobal Chronotopic Experience Nanda VigoSky Tracks Günter Weseler Gianfranco Zappettini ZERO & Avantgard ’60s