Lights Forever
Nanda Vigo

5th December 2013 – 31th January 2014
Opening: 5th December 2013, 5 pm
In collaboration with Archivio Nanda Vigo and MAAB Gallery
The show held in the Galleria Allegra Ravizza wants to pay tribute to the latest 50 years of Nanda Vigo’s artistic career. The show presents Vigo’s work from the early 60s, when the artist began her researches on the Chronotops. These works, etymologically time-space, are designed as visual filters of the reality in which we are placed and they are able to intensify and push our perception of the world beyond its concrete borders. The materials used to create the Chronotops – glass and aluminium – come from the industrial field. They break the natural flow of the light and they give rise to uncertain impressions and changes of the space. Exhibiting the famous Chronotops, this show traces Vigo’s virtuous artistic parable coming until the recent works, characterized by the use of the black crystal. This material becomes the frame of a luminous event which invades the space and widens the physical borders of the work itself. During the 50 years of her artistic career, Nanda Vigo has been refining her use of the concept of light, pushing her creations ever further. From her very first creations, indeed, the light and the glass have been the constant elements of her research, both developed in art, design and architecture fields. During the show it will be possible to admire very important historical documents, together with works from 1965, which have recently come to light thanks to the researches undertaken by Archivio Nanda Vigo. After the show in Bern in 1965 at Galerie Aktuell with Castellani and Bonalumi, Nanda Vigo is now presenting her first solo show in Switzerland.